Friday, March 27, 2009

The Secret : The Law of Attraction

I just finished watch a movie/documentary about The Secret .
It is about a story of success people who practising The Law of Attraction.
They shared their experiences and thought about how to understand the secrets.
A lot of new things I learn from it and I only managed to jot down a few important stuffs.
Creative Process :
1. Ask : i need to ask myself what i want. write/list it down so i know what i really want. visualise or make a vision board or book or goal book. only focus on a positive thought.
2. Answer : i need to answer on how i can realise what i want. imagine. try to feel that i already have it.
3. Receive : with all good thought and feels, i will receive what i want, in a form that i might not expected.
Powerfull Process :
1.Gratitude :
list down all gratitude things happen in my life.
ex: i have a good job. i have a nice car. im living in a good house.
i have many good friends. i have a big happy family.
avoid thinking all bad things happen in life, because it just my past.
what i need is to think about my present and future life.
2.Visualize : visualize all good things im having in a present and what i want in a future.
put a strong vision and image in mind. i need to think and feel the emotions.
And above 2 processes will help to bring me to the below Secrets :
1. The Secret of Money
2. The Secret of Relationship
3. The Secret of Health
4. The Secret of The World
5. The Secret of You (which is myself)
6. The Secret of Life

There is also a few phrases i qouted from different famous and success people in the past that mentioned in the movie/documentary. (I can't remember the person names, sorry)
1. Everythings in the Universe is energy.
2. All power is form within everybody.
3. Whether you think you can, either way you are right.
4. Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you, where there were only walls.

After all that, I guess, I need to buy the book to understand more.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Wow...I didn't expect to start blogging today...
I'm not yet really sure what to what language...and about what...???
Maybe my writing today is very "skema", coz i really in a nervous mood...hahhaha..

weh makcik. tulis blog pon nak nebes ke???
hahahaha...tu la la masalahnya...
aku ingat nak start blogging, lagi 2,3 bln
tunggu tempoh bertenang or cooling period
nak bertenang, sebab hobi aku baca blog orang
so, aku tak nak penulisan aku ni akan mempengaruhi mana2 blog writer yang aku follow
tapi, tatau pesal tetiba otak aku switch tune ke sini...

rasanya blog ni akan jadi blog rojak or salad
ber"aku", atau ber"saya", atau ber"i/me", atau ber"ore/atashi"
hanya tika dan masa yang menentukan...chewah...

for me, today is just one step to start writing and sharing my thought
and i hope i didnt stop writing and xplore more new things
ME, wish me luck!!!